Monday, August 5, 2013

Welcome welcome!

Hey y'all! I'm a new Apostolic woman, just trying to do my best for God before He takes me home! I was brought up in a Christian home and church, but I could never stick to my convictions. When I went to college, and was looking for a church, my best friend brought me to his Apostolic church, and I was opened up to so much more than I had ever experienced!! I received the baptism of the Holy Ghost several months later, and was baptized in Jesus' name!! For a year after I was born again, I had a really hard time changing my standards of living. I grew up dancing, cutting my hair, and wearing some very provocative things. I didn't understand why I had to change myself for God. When I reached bottom, I prayed that prayer of desperation, and my eyes were suddenly opened and tongues came! I'm not changing for God in a degrading way towards myself, but giving Him respect, and giving the body and person He created respect! I struggle with my flesh sometimes, and having my family not understand why I do what I do can be discouraging, my goal in life, this one and the next, is to be an instrument for God! I want to use this blog to share some of my struggles, to start prayer chains, do devotionals, and provide encouragement to anyone out there that need it from a fellow sister in Christ! I work and go to school in a place where it's very hard to find other Godly people to associate with. I'm still a "newborn", but every day I'm growing in the Lord, and I constantly thirst for knowledge. I'm in no way a scholar, but I can do my best to help you. And for those out there, who'd like to help me, please don't hesitate!!


  1. Hi! I noticed where you commented on my AP Blogs page! I'll add your blog to the list!

    I loved reading your testimony! It's always neat to hear how each person finds the truth. My story is almost complete opposite from yours in the areas of changing myself. The wearing of skirts, not wearing of jewelry & makeup, and then not cutting my hair all came before I was baptized & long before I spoke in tongues! My boyfriend (now husband) and best friend were both Pentecostal and were a huge help to me when I had questions about the at-the-time odd beliefs of Pentecostal people. I am so grateful I had them! My family is NOT pentecostal and for the most part they don't agree with my beliefs, but I think they've come to see I'm serious about what I believe and that I won't be going back so some respect has been earned. I grew up Baptist and never heard of anything Pentecostal much less Apostolic Pentecostal until college. :)

    My email is mrshelenstafford (at) yahoo dot com. If you ever want to email me. I don't have internet access all the time anymore, but I do try to get it once a week to keep in contact with my blogging friends. :)

    It was really nice to meet you! :)

    Blue Eyed Beauty Blog
    Exercise Encouragement GROUP Blog

    1. Helen, thank you so much for your comment! Your testimony is such a blessing! My family isn't either, and they still struggle with me being Pentecostal from time to time. I hope that as time passes I can be a witness to my family, and they can see just how serious I am about my walk with God, and how I live for God. I had never heard of anything Apostolic Pentecostal until I got to college, and one of my best friends through was Pentecostal and it never even registered as anything "out of the ordinary" to me. It's hard being in my home town living for God the way I am when I lived the opposite through school. But, I believe God brought me back here for a time so that I can be a witness to those I grew up with, as well as my family! You will definitely be hearing from me!

      It was very nice to meet you as well!

      God Bless,
